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RH Employment

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In Ohio, services for people with developmental disabilities are provided through a system of local, state, and federal resources. Renaissance Healthcare is contacted waiver provider with the Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) as a Level One Waiver, I/O Waiver, and TDD Waiver. We are currently contract to provide the following services:

  • Homemaker/Personal Care Aide
  • HP/C
  • HP/C Transportation
  • Non-Medical Transportation

To learn more about the services provided by The Department of Developmental Disability (DODD) or to see if your family member may qualify for services click the button below and you will be sent to the home page for DODD.


Ohio’s PASSPORT Medicaid waiver program helps Medicaid-eligible older Ohioans get the long-term services and supports they need to stay in their homes.

Eligible PASSPORT participants are:

  • Age 60 or older;
  • Financially eligible for Medicaid institutional care (For 2013, this means typically earning no more than $2,130 per month for one person and having no more than $1,500 in countable assets, though individuals above this limit may be eligible based on the extent of their medical and in-home needs);
  • Frail enough to require a nursing home level of care; and
  • Able to remain safely at home with the consent of their physician.

The cost of PASSPORT services needed at the time of application cannot exceed 60 percent of the cost of nursing home care. Renaissance Healthcare is currently contracted with Passport to provide the following services:

  • Homemaker (cleaning services)
  • Personal Care (grooming services)
  • Nutrition
  • Mobility Assistance
  • Transportation